Immigration NZ’s Brutal Culling of Unwanted Migrants

Michael Yoon
Principal Immigration Lawyer

Immigration New Zealand's sudden ban on low-skill work visa holders bringing their families has left many in distress. This harsh decision disrupts lives and splits families, highlighting a need for urgent action. If you still have questions, contact Immigration Lawyer NZ.

So here we are, watching Immigration New Zealand play fast and loose with people’s lives. Their latest move? Effectively banning low-skill work visa holders from bringing their families over in partnership visas or dependent student visas. It’s a stark, cold decision that came out of nowhere. No warning, no grace period—just a hard stop. And who suffers the most? Women and children, of course. Families already here, settled, planning to reunite, suddenly find themselves in a heartless bureaucratic bind.

Let’s break it down. These workers came here with a promise, a promise that they could eventually bring their families over. They’ve been contributing, working hard, paying taxes, they’ve been part of the community. Then, out of the blue, the government pulls the plug. It’s like a jungle out there—survival of the fittest, and these families are the unwanted stock, culled without a second thought.

This isn’t just policy; it’s people’s lives. Imagine being a mother, waiting to join your partner, only to be told you can’t. Or a child, eager to reunite with their parent, now left stranded and likely to be split up. It’s not just unfair—it’s downright cruel. Have a listen to this moving, powerful plea from an MP.

And let’s not forget, this abrupt decision is a departure from past practices. Previous changes came with warnings, time to adjust. Not this time. It’s a knee-jerk move that leaves families in the lurch. Workers expected to bring their families once they were settled. Now, that dream is shattered.

We need to at least save those who were already here when this change was announced. They came in good faith, with plans and promises. To yank that away now is not just heartless—it’s a betrayal. These families deserve better. They deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

New Zealand, it’s time to stand up. Our country is better than this. We must be. They are us, remember? Let’s push back against this callousness and remind our leaders that we value people, that we won’t stand for treating them like unwanted stock. This isn’t Sparta. This is New Zealand. Let’s act like it.

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Last modified on 10 July 2024 by
Michael Yoon
Principal Immigration Lawyer
Michael has been working as a lawyer in New Zealand since 2006. Over the years, he has successfully helped thousands of clients to get their desired outcome. Clients find Michael knowledgeable, approachable and professional — a trusted expert.
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