INZ 1017 Form Explained

INZ1017 Visitor Visa ApplicationAnd Visitor Visa Extension Application Form for a temporary stay in NZ

Document Information

INZ Form Number
INZ 1017
Immigration New Zealand
August 2021
File Type
File Size
265 KB
Cover Image for INZ 1017

What is the INZ 1017 form?

This form is intended for those seeking a visitor visa or an extension of visitor visa in NZ.

It can be used in various capacities, including as a tourist, visiting family or friends, business visitor, dependent child of a New Zealand citizen or resident, dependent child of a work or student visa holder, or parent/grandparent of a New Zealand citizen or resident.

This form can be used for individual applications or for families, which may comprise a primary applicant, partner, and dependent children under the age of 20.

Who can fill out INZ 1017 form?

The visa applicant should complete and sign the form, along with included secondary applicants such as the partner and dependent children.

Preview of INZ 1017 form

How to fill out INZ 1017 form

All applicants will need to complete Section A, Section B, Section E, Section F, Section G and Section H.

In addition to the above, applicants may need to complete certain sections based on their circumstances.  If applicable, applicants will need to complete Section C (if there is a partner) and Section D (if there is dependent children)

The principal applicant along with the partner/children over 17 years old (if any) should sign Section I.

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