INZ 1020 Form Explained
INZ1020 Application for a Variation of Conditions or a Variation of Travel Conditions - For making a request to change the conditions of your existing visa
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What is the INZ 1020 form?
INZ 1020 form is used for applying for a Variation of Conditions or a Variation of Travel Conditions in New Zealand. It allows individuals holding temporary visas, such as student visas, work visas, or visitor visas, to request changes to their visa conditions. The form covers various scenarios, including changing employers, occupations, locations of employment, courses of study, and work or study hours.
Who can fill out INZ 1020 form?
INZ 1020 form can be filled out by individuals who hold a temporary visa in New Zealand, such as student visa holders, work visa holders, or visitor visa holders. It is applicable to those who wish to apply for a Variation of Conditions or a Variation of Travel Conditions to make changes to their visa conditions, such as changing employers, occupations, locations of employment, courses of study, or work/study hours.
Preview of INZ 1020 form
How to fill out INZ 1020 form
INZ 1020 form is divided into several sections, each addressing different visa holders and their specific circumstances.
Section A requires the applicant to provide personal details such as their name, date of birth, country of citizenship, and passport details. They also need to provide their New Zealand residential address and contact information.
Section B is for applicants applying for a variation of travel conditions. They need to indicate the expiry date of their visa and the type of visa they hold, such as a visitor visa, student visa, work visa, or working holiday scheme work visa. They also need to specify the date they will leave and return to New Zealand and whether they require a single or multiple journey visa.
Section C is for visitor visa holders. They can apply for a variation of conditions to work part-time, be included in a 2021 Resident Visa application as a dependent child, study while holding a visitor visa, or undertake seasonal work in the horticulture or viticulture industries.
Section D is for student visa holders. They can apply for a variation of conditions to work, either part-time or full-time during holidays. If they are studying in Years 12 or 13, they can also apply to work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year with written permission from their parent(s) and school.
Section E is for work visa holders. They can apply for a variation of conditions to study. They need to provide details of the course/qualification they want to study, the name and location of the education provider, and the hours/days they want to study.
Section F is the declaration by the applicant, where they confirm the accuracy of the information provided and authorize Immigration New Zealand to share their information with relevant parties.
Section G is for the applicant’s immigration adviser, if applicable. They need to provide their licensing details or indicate why they are exempt from licensing.