INZ 1209 Form Explained

INZ1209 National Security Check FormCertain nationalities will automatically trigger the requirement to provide this form

Document Information

INZ Form Number
INZ 1209
Immigration New Zealand
July 2022
File Type
File Size
97 KB
Cover Image for INZ 1209

What is the INZ 1209 form?

This form is intended to gather supplementary information about the visa applicant, if deemed necessary by Immigration New Zealand. Applicants from certain countries such as China, Russia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka are subject to this requirement. This form will be used by New Zealand Security Intelligence Service to complete of a National Security Check as part of your application process.

Who can fill out INZ 1209 form?

The visa applicant will need to complete and sign the form.

Preview of INZ 1209 form

How to fill out INZ 1209 form

If anyone has aided or advised you while filling out this form, they are required to complete Section F: Declaration by person assisting the applicant.

Please ensure you provide comprehensive responses to each question. Inadequate information might lead to requests for clarification, potentially prolonging the processing of your application. If the space provided is insufficient for your answers, you can fill them out on an extra page and attach it to this form.

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