INZ 1235 Form Explained
INZ1235 Employer Supplementary Form - Skilled Migrant Category - For employers who have offered a position to, or currently employ, a person who is applying for a resident visa under the Skilled Migrant Category
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What is the INZ 1235 form?
INZ 1235, also known as the Employer Supplementary Form - Skilled Migrant Category, is used by employers in New Zealand who have offered a position to, or currently employ, a person applying for a resident visa under the Skilled Migrant Category.
Who can fill out INZ 1235 form?
INZ 1235 is to be filled out by the employer, to provide information about the employer’s business and the position offered/being performed by the person who is applying for residence under the Skilled Migrant Category.
Preview of INZ 1235 form
How to fill out INZ 1235 form
Section A requires the employer to provide their business information. This includes the name of the person to whom a position has been offered, the business name, trading name, type of business, other names the business has traded under, and the New Zealand Business Number (if applicable). The section also asks for the name of the person completing the form, their position or job title, and the employer’s contact details.
Section B asks for information about the business itself. This includes the number of years and/or months the business has been operating, the number of current employees (including management), the number of employees who are temporary work visa holders, and the number of employees who are New Zealand citizens or residence class visa holders. The section also asks for the industry sector in which the business operates and whether the owners, directors, or managers of the business have ever been convicted of any offense related to business dealings.
Section C requires the employer to provide details about the position offered to the potential or current employee. This includes the job title, ANZSCO occupation title, occupation code, and skill level. The section also asks for the address of the place of employment, the start date of the employment, whether the position was previously held by someone else, the number of people the employee manages or reports to, the type of work, duties, and responsibilities, and the qualifications and/or previous work experience required for the position.
Section D must be read and signed by a person who has authority to make representations and enter into agreements on the employer’s behalf. The section includes a declaration that the information provided about the business is true and correct, and that any false statements or misleading information may result in an offense under the Immigration Act 2009. The employer also agrees to inform Immigration New Zealand about any relevant changes to the circumstances of the business that may impact the current or prospective employee’s employment.
Section E is to be completed and signed by any person who has assisted the employer in completing the form. This section is only required if the employer has received assistance. It includes a declaration that the person assisting has provided immigration advice or other assistance, and if they are a licensed adviser, they are required to provide their licence details.