INZ 1256 Form Explained

INZ1256 Sponsor or Supporting Partner Declaration FormA declaration for sponsors or supporting partners if another person is submitting the online form on their behalf

Document Information

INZ Form Number
INZ 1256
Immigration New Zealand
January 2022
File Type
File Size
189 KB
Cover Image for INZ 1256

What is the INZ 1256 form?

This form is used if sponsors or supporting partners of the visa applicant are providing sponsorship or support for the visa application.

Who can fill out INZ 1256 form?

This form will need to be signed by the sponsor or supporting partner.

Preview of INZ 1256 form

How to fill out INZ 1256 form

Sponsors are required to sign Section A and B, and either Section C or D.

Supporting partners need to sign Section B, and either Section C or D. If a supporting partner also acts as a sponsor, they must additionally sign Section A.

Sign Section C if licensed immigration advisers or exempt representatives will submit the form, and will continue acting on your behalf.

Sign Section D if a person has assisted by recording information on the form and will be submitting the form on your behalf.

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