INZ 1268 Form Explained

INZ1268 Sponsorship – Bank confirmation detailsSupporting bank evidence as proof of sponsorship funds

Document Information

INZ Form Number
INZ 1268
Immigration New Zealand
January 2022
File Type
File Size
171 KB
Cover Image for INZ 1268

What is the INZ 1268 form?

If a person has sponsored a visa applicant by providing an online Sponsorship form for Temporary Entry but has not supplied bank statements, wage slips, or an employer letter, then the sponsoring person can use this form to have it completed and signed by the bank to demonstrate that the person has the means to meet sponsorship responsibilities.

Who can fill out INZ 1268 form?

The sponsor should complete Section A and Section B by the bank.

Preview of INZ 1268 form

How to fill out INZ 1268 form

The sponsor should complete Section A by entering the name of the requestor (visa applicant), the visa application number and the amount needed to be verified (dependent on visa type, duration of intended stay, etc).

The bank should then fill out and sign Section B to confirm that the visa applicant has sufficient funds, at least equal to the specified amount (in Section A), available for this purpose.

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