Immigration Medical in Christchurch

Essential information about eMedical in this area.

Are you looking for a medical clinic in Christchurch for your immigration medical? This article comprehensively covers all information you need to know about where to go for your health check, the cost of getting it done, and what you need to know prior going to your appointment.

What are Immigration Medicals?

There are different types of immigration medical examinations depending on the type of visa you are applying with Immigration New Zealand. Ususally a physical examination (either ‘general’ or ‘limited’) or chest x-ray or both.

The medical exam will involve, among others, going through a series of questions, a blood testing (complete blood count, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV, Syphilis, Kidney Function and Diabetes Check), providing a urine sample, and a breast examination (for women over 45 years of age).

It is important to remember though, if you are required to provide medicals for your visa applications, you will need to get them from one of the approved panel physicians (registered providers) listed in the immigration database.

How do I get the Medical Services I need?

If you need a medical done for the visa you require, you will need to arrange an appointment by contacting one of the clinics or book online. You may need to reschedule to another date if you are menstruating at the appointment time as you will be unable to undergo the urine test.

There are a number of locations you can choose from. Some have onsite radiology meaning you will be able to get the medical check and the chest x-ray at the same time, as a one stop shop, whereas some will require you to go to a differernt place to get the chest x-ray done separately.

There are GP clinics that provide immigration medical services, but they tend to be busier and you can expect longer wait time in the reception as the staff have to look after the patients enrolled at their facility.

You will need to take your original passport with you and can also bring a family member if English is not your first language and need help with communication.

What happens after the Immigration Medical Examination?

The provider of immigration medicals you visited will complete the immigration health check and forward the medical report to Immigration NZ. You will be given an information sheet that contains a nine-digit eMedical reference number that starts with ‘N’. You will need to give the number to New Zealand Immigration.

Information Sheet for eMedical
Information Sheet for eMedical

Then, a medical specialist at Immigration New Zealand will undertake assessment to see if you meet the health-related immigration requirements.

If any issues are found, you may be asked to do repeat blood tests or to provide a formal report from a specialist, for example, if you are found to have a heart problem, you may need to book and see a cardiology specialist.

Getting a medical appointment with a specialist might take time, which would add to your visa processing timeline. If the request for an additional test or specialist report has come about from INZ during a visa assessment, you may need to advise them and ask for an extension of time.

Talk to Immigration Lawyer in Christchurch

Should health concerns be identified, the subsequent steps are contingent upon the outcomes of the Immigration Medical examination. These may include abnormalities in test results or specific symptoms detected in a chest x-ray, potentially initiating a follow-up procedure with Immigration New Zealand.

If you have any concerns or doubts, it may be best to talk to an Immigration Lawyer Christchurch. The immigration lawyer will be able to explain what is the acceptable standard of health, whether the condition you have is likely to create issues, or a medical waiver will be required.

Immigration Medical Prices

Please note that each clinic will update its prices from time to time. Below tables should only be taken into as indicative figures. Please ring individual clinics to confirm the prices.

Adults (15 years and older)

Children (11 years to 14 years)

Children (10 years and younger)

*Christchurch Immigration Health applies $150 for children aged 4 and under.

Christchurch Immigration Health

  • Opening hours: Monday - Thursday 08:30am - 05:00pm
  • Address: The Caledonian Centre, 8 Caledonian Road, St Albans, Christchurch 8014
  • Google Map: Christchurch Immigration Health
Photo of Doctors on Riccarton, Approved Panel Physician in Christchurch
Doctors on Riccarton can do immigration medical in Christchurch

Doctors on Riccarton

  • Opening hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 6:00pm
  • Address: 183 Riccarton Road, Riccarton, Christchurch 8041
  • Google Map: Doctors on Riccarton
Photo of High Street City Health, Approved Panel Physician in Christchurch
High Street City Health can do immigration medical in Christchurch

High Street City Health

  • Opening hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 6:00pm
  • Address: Unit 9, 62 Riccarton Road, Riccarton, Christchurch 8014
  • Google Map: High Street City Health

Immigration Express

  • Opening hours: Monday - Friday 7:00am - 4:30pm
  • Address: 71 Bealey Avenue, Christchurch Central City, Christchurch 8013
  • Google Map: Immigration Express
Photo of Phoenix Health Hub, Approved Panel Physician in Christchurch
Phoenix Health Hub can do immigration medical in Christchurch

Phoenix Health Hub

  • Opening hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm
  • Address: Unit 9, 166 Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch, Canterbury, 8011
  • Phone: 03 365 3659
  • Email:
  • Website: Phoenix Health Hub
  • Google Map: Phoenix Health Hub
author headshot Michael Yoon
Last modified on 21 July 2024 by
Michael Yoon
Principal Immigration Lawyer
Michael has been working as a lawyer in New Zealand since 2006. Over the years, he has successfully helped thousands of clients to get their desired outcome. Clients find Michael knowledgeable, approachable and professional — a trusted expert.

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